Ka Wai Cheung

Side projects.

Handcoded Baseball Scoreboards A just-for-fun side project.

I love the look and feel of old-time baseball scoreboards. I also love to create things with a limited set of tools. So, here's my attempt at combining these two interests using only HTML and modern-day CSS.

Real Code A video series on some interesting design & development experiences with DoneDone.

This series is a resource for solo developers and small development teams interested in seeing real production code built by a small team, rather than high-level patterns and fabricated examples.

Shiftlist A seriously simple, keyboard-friendly to-do list you just might fall in love with.

Yet another to-do list app! But, what makes ShiftList different is a small set of keyboard shortcuts that help you navigate your list fast and efficiently. Great for writers, programmers, designers, and anyone else who craves focus while working on their laptop or desktop.