Ka Wai Cheung

Books I wrote on software development.

Landing on a Great Name Leanpub, 2020

We like to measure the quality of code by some series of metrics, how closely a codebase follows a set of indoctrinated principles, or other deterministic means. But good code writing is equally subjective. One fundamental challenge all programmers face is how to land on great names—names for properties, methods, and classes. Landing on a Great Name provides advice on one of programming's most challenging problems, naming, through the lens of working on a real-world product.

The Developer's Code The Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2012

The Developer's Code isn't about the code you write, it's about the code you live by. There are no trite superlatives here. Packed with lessons learned from more than a decade of software development experience, I take you through the programming profession from nearly every angle to uncover ways of sustaining a healthy connection with your work.

“This is the next Pragmatic Programmer: a guide for the beginner, a reminder for the expert, and a wonderful chunk of wisdom about the craft (and life) of a developer.”
Derek Sivers, Founder of CD Baby, sivers.org

Flash Application Design Solutions Apress, 2006

Flash Application Design Solutions shows you how to harness the power of ActionScript 2.0 and make the most of the improved design tools of Flash 8 to create usable, intuitive Flash interfaces. This book is essential reading for all Flash designers and developers, from beginners seeking valid solutions to veteran Flashers looking for a fresh perspective on application design, interaction, and reusability.